How to Overcome the Skills Gap in the Energy Industry to Help Third-World Countries

The skills gap is a concern many employers must deal with regularly. They say good help is hard to find, particularly with experience in the energy industry, but this challenge can seem insurmountable when developing energy resources in third–world communities, where such resources are so desperately needed. Two-thirds of Africa’s population of around 640 million people do not […]

Could Cars Run on Nuclear Power?

Nuclear energy is noted as the largest carbon-free contributor to the power grid in the U.S. To date, it has struggled when competing with low-price natural gas and without the support of RPS programs, especially compared to other renewable energy sources. Nuclear power provides balancing and reliability benefits that other technologies (including solar and wind […]

Professionals vs. Amateurs – What’s the Difference in Career Growth?

Your career growth is influenced by many different factors over the course of your life. From location to education to opportunity, any number of influences can change the trajectory or the speed of your career growth. But one thing that doesn’t get discussed too often is simple professionalism. What’s the difference between a tried and […]

Cybersecurity and Nuclear – How Does That Apply to National Safety Month?

National Safety Month is a great time to reevaluate your organization’s cybersecurity strategy. The nuclear industry is particularly at risk when it comes to safety risks associated with cybersecurity. Cyber attacks and other security risks have quickly become a top concern of nuclear facility managers and personnel. The growing threat of cyber espionage and even […]

Could Cars Run on Nuclear Power?

Nuclear energy is noted as the largest carbon-free contributor to the power grid in the U.S. To date, it has struggled when competing with low-priced natural gas and without the support of RPS programs, especially compared to other renewable energy sources. Nuclear power provides balancing and reliability benefits that other technologies (including solar and wind […]

Pairing with a Power Generation Recruiter Will Help Your Hiring Challenges

Hiring can be a very stressful experience for companies who know that their success depends on their ability to staff their workload. To thrive in today’s high demand energy industry, you need flexible access to experienced engineering and IT professionals.  Experts who can maximize the safety, performance, and reliability of your facilities – and maximize […]