Personal Brand and Your Power Generation Career 3/4: Engaging with Online Communities

Social media has completely changed the job search process. LinkedIn is a goldmine for job opportunities and networking opportunities. Engaging with others online, particularly on LinkedIn or other professional focused online forums can be very helpful in building your personal brand and establishing yourself as an industry expert.  But if you don’t know where to […]

Personal Brand and Your Power Generation Career 2/4: Web Presence

Your personal brand has a direct impact on your career because it is simply how people perceive you in your work. There are many ways you can develop or build your brand to help drive your power generation career. The key is to focus on how you interact with people wherever you interact with people. […]

Personal Brand and Your Power Generation Career 1/4: Being Helpful

You’re probably already aware, but it’s important to remember that your personal brand and professional reputation plays a big part in your career development and growth. It doesn’t just matter when you’re employed, but also has a big part to play in your job search process as well. The effort you take to manage your […]

How Does a Strong Online Brand Help Your IT Job Search?

Your brand says a lot about who you are as a professional. It sends a message about what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for. When building your brand, it’s important to pay special attention to your online channels (such as social media and digital portfolio) as well as your […]