
Recruiting is another industry that is experiencing a dramatic digital revolution, and technology can’t keep up with the growing need of companies to hire the best and the brightest in the most efficient ways possible. AI tools are now at the top of the heap when it comes to the digital transformation of recruiting. With more employees working remotely or being interviewed through video or telephone calls, recruitment needs to take the latest digital tools to heart to understand how they would be best put to work in the modern world.

The truth is that recruiters themselves can only do so much when it comes to hiring. And as any hiring manager will tell you, any job listing will seed hundreds if not thousands of job applications. Sifting through all that information is the strength of AI. Here is how you can leverage data intelligence to recruit your future talent.

Personality Focused Resume Scanning

Tools like personality AI can use machine learning and AI to analyze a body of text, a resume, for example, to predict the writer’s personality through assessment of word choice and even phrasing and inflections. That information is then sorted and categorized based on existing data. The software then matches the person with a specific personality type, which gives hiring managers or recruiters a general picture of the person’s behaviors, motivations, and communication styles, all from looking at nothing more than a resume.

Uncovering Buried Insights

For such tools yield usable insights, a personality AI needs a framework to analyze resumes against. There are many such frameworks already in use.

Still, a common one is the DISC personality framework, which classifies personalities along with four key criteria:

Dominance (D)

Influence (I)

Steadiness (S)

Conscientiousness (C).

Someone categorized into one of these four personality types may be more suited for certain roles than others.

For example, someone who is creative and people-oriented may be skilled at thinking up new ideas and connecting with strangers, but they are unlikely to thrive in a position that requires them to be emotionally detached and fact-focused. They may become bored or frustrated, which will likely cause them to quit quickly. On the other hand, more analytical, questioning people tend to be good at objectively solving problems and would probably work well in a job that requires them to focus on specific, concrete facts and avoid personal feelings. Once you have a better understanding of someone’s personality, you can find the right job fit for them.

This is the perfect tool for a recruiter to see beyond the technical skills or experience of an individual, and instead, have a look at who they would be like as a coworker. What situations they would thrive in or be challenged by. Inevitably, recruiters come to know more about a candidate through the screening processes and the interview cycles, but what if those first 100 or so candidates could be filtered for personality type even before getting on the phone? That would increase efficiencies dramatically and help get the right person in role faster than ever before.

Get the Right Person in the Right Role

For help getting the right person in a role in your company, reach out for recruiting support with ESGI today.

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