Unique Resume Designs to Help Land the Job Offer You Want

Did you know that the format and design of your resume can be enough to get your future employer’s attention? The smart professionalism and style presented by the best-designed resumes can be your proverbial foot in the door with some companies. On the flip side, a poorly designed resume can get your application sent straight […]

Data Analytics Skills Bring More Efficiency to Plants that Must Make Improvements

Big data has been a buzzword for several years now, but data analytics has real opportunities in the energy industry. For someone looking to make an impact in the job market, data analytics skills can really be what employers are looking for to bring more efficiency and better decision making to plants across the country. […]

In Your Next Energy Job Interview, Can You Explain the Digital Twin?

Staying up-to-date to industry trends is critical to presenting yourself as a subject matter expert in an interview. One of the most important trends in the nuclear industry is the concept of a digital twin. Here’s what you should know about it to have an informed conversation around the subject. What is a Digital Twin? […]

Science Says This Will Increase Confidence

Confidence is the job seekers best friend. When going into an interview, particularly if it’s for a job you really want, the last thing you want to project is being unsure of yourself. The standard confidence builders are probably on your list of things to do to calm your nerves and present yourself as the […]

How Can States Provide More Clean Energy Options to Reduce Emissions?

While renewable energy is growing steadily in popularity across the globe, it is still challenging to expect a widespread shift to reduced emission rates and more clean energy on a federal level. While the United States is competing with big energy players like China and India, the states have more flexibility in how they provide […]