
Think you’re ready to make the jump into contracting? Contract work sometimes gets a bad wrap. The often short-term nature of the work leads to a fear of career stability that many workers crave. But there are also real and measurable benefits to transitioning your career to this employment method.  Here’s a look at what… Read more »


As the new year comes, so do new regulations for 2019. Compliance is a critical part of succeeding in the energy business, and knowing what to expect when it comes to changes in relevant regulations can make all the difference for both your company and your clients. Here are several new mandatory compliance regulations that… Read more »


How the nuclear industry is positioning itself in the modern energy market is an important part of the future of nuclear power. The industry faces real challenges when it comes to how the world perceives this energy source, but there are also many documented benefits to nuclear power. Here are four positive talking points that… Read more »


Mornings can be hectic, but they are also a critically important time in terms of setting intentions for the day. If you are struggling to simply get out the door on time in the mornings but are looking for ways to get off to a better start, don’t think you need to reinvent the wheel…. Read more »


2018 has been a big year for the energy industry. There have been significant changes in the overall market and big shifts in the latest trends. From IoT to modular nuclear reactors, the energy industry doesn’t look the same day-to-day, but there is still so much to learn as technologies advance and needs change. The… Read more »


IoT and industrial automation have been big news in 2018. But the question remains whether the latest technologies and industrial trends are able to bring energy efficiencies in smaller companies who have so much on the line when it comes to investing in new technologies. Here are some things you should consider as a small… Read more »


Nuclear energy has been through a lot over the past 50 years. But when it comes to advances in technology and plant designs, there’s been a surprising lack of movement in this market. Until now. There are some amazing new designs coming into the industry that are sure to revolutionize how we think about and… Read more »


Social media has completely changed the job search process. Particularly LinkedIn is a goldmine for job opportunities and networking opportunities. But if you don’t know where to start when it comes to LinkedIn, groups are a great place to make connections, find jobs, and talk to the right people to help you on your way… Read more »


Looking for a new job is tough. It makes you take a hard look at your experiences, your qualifications, and your goals and see if they align with what’s being asked of the modern worker. Between rejections and overwhelming job applications that can seem endless, the whole process can be difficult. In today’s highly-competitive job… Read more »


The costs of hiring and onboarding new full-time employees are unavoidably steep. It also takes a significant amount of time to find the right candidates, review resumes, and provide the necessary training that will bring them up to speed on the role they are stepping into. If you can consider using a contractor to support… Read more »