Hiring a cybersecurity expert is a critical element in any company’s long-term digital growth. As more products, services, and business operations move to the cloud, your cybersecurity may be the thing holding you back. Without it, your company and employee data may be exposed, you may be at risk of losing control over your own files or network, or you could be leaving yourself open to any number of the latest and greatest cyber scams currently on the market.
But hiring a full-time professional can seem like a real challenge, especially for companies unsure of how consistent their need for support in this area may be. The clear answer to this question is to hire a consultant with a security specialization to test the waters and make sure that your need is great enough to bring on a full-time employee to fill the role. Here is what a cybersecurity specialist could help your team with.
Cybersecurity Services
Our capabilities include infrastructure and policy review, vulnerability security assessment and penetration testing, regulatory and compliance mapping and analysis, web application security assessment and penetration testing, data mining for vulnerable patterns and attack vectors, semantic web and blog mining, electronic discovery and digital forensics, malware synthesis and analytics, incident response, coordination with law enforcement and counter-intelligence, IT risk mitigation solution engineering, implementation and evaluation, IT security plan development, remote managed security services, continuous monitoring, staff augmentation and residency and training services. Our consultants also provide information assurance services, cloud computing, and data center operations services, engineering, operations and management solutions and technology assessments and innovations.
Technical Security Services
For those businesses interested in technical controls, or the countermeasures implemented to protect the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of a system, we have consultants to meet those needs as well. These measures are designed to protect against unauthorized access, use, disruption, modification, or destruction of Critical Digital Assessments (CDA) and/or its function. System-level controls are used individually, or in combination with other countermeasures, methods, or techniques to provide protective barriers for identified risks. Technical controls are tested, evaluated for effectiveness, monitored, replaced, or supplemented as required to ensure a security level to mitigate identified risks for their businesses.
Management and Operational Services
If you are looking for wider support for cybersecurity projects, our management, and operational cybersecurity experts may be more in line with your needs. These controls are carried out by including cybersecurity enhancing activities in policies, implementing procedures, and processes such as engineering lifecycle activities, engineering procurement procedures, Software Quality Assurance program, and ensuring procurement contracts specify Cybersecurity requirements. They help businesses address a wider range of management or operational needs as they relate to digital security and help a company bridge the gap in their digital transformation.
Work With ESGI – a Leading Cybersecurity Staffing Company
For more insight into how ESGI can help you keep your company protected in a world of cybersecurity risks and hazards, connect with the recruiting team today.