
Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is a fast-growing and skilled career path. Automation is quickly and dramatically changing the work environment and many jobs are becoming outdated or transformed with the addition of robots and other forms of artificial intelligence. From machine learning engineers to AI research and data scientists, there are so many exciting opportunities in the field of AI.

While you might be interested in learning more about AI skills and how they can help you do your job better and faster, the interesting thing is that many more people already have experience working with AI in their daily work and life outside of work. You might even have AI skills without even knowing it. Here are 3 areas of IT that you might not consider to be dependent on an AI skill set, but which do.

1. Chatbots

Chatbots are the digital assistants that we interact with as consumers on a regular basis. They’re a staple for the help desk on almost every major website you visit and are commonly tasked with customer service and upper-funnel sales tasks. If you have worked with a chatbot previously in your career, especially if you have taken the time to analyze its data, you are an experienced in the field of artificial intelligence. Chatbots are one of the most basic and most useful forms of AI in use today. They can collect vast amounts of data, engage with users in helpful and meaningful ways, and many of them are learning from the experience.

You can learn from the experience too. If you are interested in exploring more ways to build your AI skills, building a chatbot is a great place to start. There are several forums and online tools where you can build a chatbot that is unique to your needs and test it out with an actual community of users. You never know when an experience like that might make a difference in the future. Get out there, try it out, and see what happens. It will certainly put you several steps ahead of anyone who hasn’t bothered to try.

2. Voice assistants

The rising popularity of voice assistants at home and at work is an important source of AI experience as well. Like chatbots, voice assistants are continually collecting data and learning from that data to better forecast future needs and provide better support for users. If you have experience working with voice assistants on the job, that is an excellent source of AI experience. You might not think it is at first sight, but voice assistants are built on AI technology that helps them hear and respond to your inquiries quickly and effectively.

3. Virtual reality

VR is another area which is quickly growing on the consumer front. While it’s not quite as forthcoming in the workplace, there are entire communities of VR users who are testing and building games and tools on VR platforms like Microsoft’s Hololens, Facebook’s Occulus, as well as VR devices built by Google and Samsung. The experience is unlike anything most employees have experienced yet, but if you’ve demoed or played with a VR device, you will be well positioned to see how such experiences can be brought into the realm of business.

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