Many professionals come to a point in their career where they find themselves in a job that is no longer considered a good fit. Whether it’s because the job requirements have changed, the company culture is at odds with your work style or you find yourself butting heads with the people you work with or for, the likelihood of you staying in that position is limited.
In situations like these you have a decision to make: Do you pull up stakes and quit on your own terms, or do you try to stick it out and risk being fired? Today’s article discusses the pros and cons of both to provide you with a little insight into how either decision will impact your career.
The Upside of Being Fired
While this may seem counterintuitive to many employees, getting the ax does have its upsides. If you choose to put your best foot forward and make a true effort to make things work with your current employer despite a difficult situation, you will never look back and feel regret for giving up. Some people, not all but some, prefer the decision to be made by the employer. Once it is out of your hands you will not be weighed down by the stress of deciding whether to stay or go. You can then focus on moving forward in your career. Additionally, if you are fired then it is possible you will receive a severance package and even extended benefits to help you manage the burden of unemployment.
The Downside of Being Fired
Of course, getting fired can be very disheartening, particularly if you have really put in the effort to meet the needs of your employer. The loss of income and emotional upheaval can have a real impact on your confidence and financial security. The professional stigma of being fired can also weigh heavily on your career. Having to explain the situation to interviewers while you are looking for a new job is tough, and you should prepare yourself by having a really good answer to their questions regarding the firing. Talking about what you learned from the situation is another great way to handle interview questions about the topic.
The Upside of Quitting
By quitting a job rather than being fired, you are the one in control. The decision is yours to make and once it is done – while it may be uncomfortable at the time – you are able to move forward at your own discretion. Leaving on your own terms can provide you with the time you need to line up your next job opportunity prior to quitting, thus giving you a little extra financial security as you move from one job to the next.
The Downside of Quitting
Of course, the downside of quitting a job is that you may hurt relationships with co-workers and employers if you don’t do so carefully. Timing is a big factor in taking a graceful exit. Helping your team prepare for and plan the transition can go a long way towards maintaining positive relationships. They will be important to your professional network in years to come.
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